Looking for comprehensive information about Salamtak Program?

  • You will get life insurance when you subscribe to the “Salamtak” insurance program.
  • Salamtak program provides life health coverage, which includes natural death and death due to accidents, including Covid.
  • Pay with oodi balance and get insurance.

Natural death

It’s more than life insurance, it is peace of mind that your family is well protected after you pass away. Offer them the peace of mind with our life insurance coverage of natural death.

Accidental Death

Sometimes, it only takes a second to change your whole life and the lives of your loved ones. Make sure you are prepared for the worst. Get our life insurance which pays out for accidental death.

Covid-related death

Don’t let coronavirus stop you from taking care of your family. Get the life insurance that will pay out for death due to COVID-19 and keep your loved ones protected.

Types of life insurance policy

Gold coverage

1.5 Million IQD with a cost of 950 IQD per month.

Platinum coverage

3 Million IQD with a cost of 1,900 IQD per month.

Diamond coverage

5 Million IQD with a cost of 3,100 IQD per month.

How does the registration for Salamtak work with oodi?
It's easy. Just follow the steps!

Step 1

Choose the insurance program that best suits you Click on the registration link and provide the required information

Step 2

Fill in your details, including a copy of your civil Iraqi ID, and proceed with the payment to finalize the policy purchase

Step 3

You will receive a welcome message Immediately with your subscription details

Coverage limits

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natural death or the consequence of an accident, including death resulting from Covid 19.

It is not subject to any medical underwriting.

A waiting period of 30 days is applied to a claim from the beginning of the contract.

1. What is insurance?

Insurance is an agreement where an insurance company provides financial compensation for a specific loss or damage or illness or death in return for payment of a specific financial premium.

2. What is life insurance?

It is a type of insurance where an insurance company pays a sum of money to the legitimate heirs (or a beneficiary designated by the insured) upon the death of the insured person.

3. What does life insurance cover?

It covers the cases of natural death or the consequence of an accident, including death resulting from Covid 19, with the exception of cases cited in the exceptions of the contract.

4. How to subscribe to the insurance (Salamtak)?

  • Register through the following link https://salamtak.me/ar-IQ/life-insurance.
  • The subscriber must choose the insurance type.
  • Enter the subscriber’s data by taking a copy of the civil Iraqi ID in the service registration page.
  • Review information to ensure it is entered correctly.
  • Enter the subscriber’s phone number.
  • Enter the name of the person benefiting from the coverage amount.
  • A one time code will be sent to the subscriber phone number.
  • Then choose the payment method to complete the policy purchase.

5. What is the limit of the coverage?

The limit of the coverage is the amount paid by the insurance company to the heirs in the event of the death of the insured.

You may select the limits of the coverage in accordance with the insurance premium you wish to pay.

6. What documents are required for submitting a claim in the event of death?

The required documents for submitting the claim in the event of death are as follows:

  • A copy of the Civil status ID card or the unified ID Insurance Card.
  • Death certificate of the insured which is official, certified and stamped.
  • A report stating the cause of death.
  • The legitimate right of the claimants.